Friday, June 20, 2014

In the wings… - प्रतीक्षा में…

Picture courtesy: Chris Hays

It is easier
It is tempting, I know
To let things remain unsaid
To sometimes,
Just let it go
है आसाँ 
जानती हूँ, है मन मोहक 
अनकही रहने देना बातों को 
कभी कभी, बस जाने देना  
But my dear
There's a song here
That only You can sing
A story unformed as yet
That only You can bring
Your unique touch
Completes this picture
Makes it a special thing
परन्तु प्रिये 
यहाँ है इक नग्मा 
जो सिर्फ तुम गा सकते हो 
अनाकार इक कहानी 
जिसे छू कर 
अधूरे से इस चित्र में 
जान सिर्फ तुम फूँक सकते हो 
I know you tend to cling
To the ideas of how
Words create deception
Only misconception
Stories are just a fabrication
Lies of perception
It can all seem futile
जानती हूँ, मानते हो तुम 
शब्द होतें हैं दगाबाज़ 
गलतफैमियाँ फैलाते 
करते कहानियों का निर्माण 
झूठी धारणाएँ
निरर्थक, बेजान, बेईमान  
But, fragile,
Unspoken, waiting
In the wings
With rhymes to spring
With bated breath
Your unfinished poem
-  May 11, 2014
परन्तु प्रिये 
नाज़ुक सीठहरी हुई 
थमी साँसों में, सहमी हुई  
प्रतीक्षा में 
जी रही है कहीं 
तुम्हारी अधूरी कविता 
- June 18, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Do you see?

Do you see
What I see?
How could you?
You're not me

Do you hear
What I hear
How can you?
You're not here

Do you smell
Pic courtesy: Paul K.
What I smell
How's it possible?
In my body you don't dwell

Do you feel
What I feel?
How can you say?
It's no big deal

Do you taste
What I taste?
How do I explain it?
It's a total waste

I go through my Life
You through yours
We intersect perchance
Ships bound for different shores

Each journey is its own
Perfect destination
I can't walk your path
In my imagination

So let's not presume
To know what's best
Walk together when we can
Then let's get some rest

Show me your kindness
Find the light in my smile
Let's enjoy this closeness
Let's share our stories for a short while
- May 19, 2013