Sunday, March 31, 2013

Outside my window…

A hint of the moon
Peeks from behind itself
On a clear
Cloudless blue sky
Outside my window

Outside my window...Snow-capped mountains peek
From behind their own shadows
Atop the clear
Waveless blue waters
Outside my window

Sheets of azure glass
Interspersed with graffiti
Birds, boats
The occasional kayak
Outside my window

Sounds of laughter
Traffic, trains
Even the occasional plane
A sweet, chattering twitter
Outside my window

Bright, cheerful sunshine
Dappled shadows 
Chattering, dancing, cavorting
A soft breeze springing
Outside my window

Blossoms on every tree
Blossom hope in every heart
Out of the stillness of winter
A new world springs forth
Takes a new birth
Outside my window

-          Seattle, March 31, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

2013 Holi Celebrations

...with a heartfelt thanks to CRY Seattle
होली के रंग 

कहीं नीला, तो कहीं है पीला 
लाल, गुलाबी, हरा, जमुनी 
आज दिखाई देता यहाँ 
है हर तरह का रंग 
छाई है मस्ती, मचा हुडदंग 
बरसीं अचानक रंगीली बौछारें 
सावन ले आया इक नयी उमंग 

कल रात मनाई थी  
होलिका की विदा 
मिल के जलाई थी 
अहंकार की चिता

आज चारों ओर 
नए रंग हैं खिले 
दूर दराज़ से यार-दोस्त 
सब यहीं हैं, मिले  

उड़ चला है हवाओं में 
इन्द्र धनुषी सा गुलाल 
उठ गया मन के कोनों  से 
छुपा बैठा कोई मलाल 

हर रंग लाया है संग 
अनोखी कोई भावना 
सिखलाये निभानी है मुझे 
नित नयी भूमिका 

आज के इस उत्सव पर 
इन रंगों में खो जाने दो 
इच्छाओं-आकांक्षाओं को त्याग 
इनसे भी परे हो जाने दो 

इन रंगों को जल तरंगों में 
जल्द ही बह जाने दो 
सफेदी की सादी सरलता को 
इस रूह में समा जाने दो 

फिर हर क्षण होगा यहाँ 
अदभुत अनन्य अनन्त
जीवन के इस खेल-चित्र में 
खिल उठेगा हर रंग 

-    Seattle, March 30, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

To Seattle with Love...

So many shades of grey
Never cease to amaze
Bringing softened views
That black and white hues
Can never replace

Grey skies, Grey water
Grey showers, bringing succour
From the heat
A gentle grey calm
For me to greet

Forming the ideal foil
For a lush landscape
Different shades of grey
Complement the greens that toil
To bring
Myriad spring blossoms

When the horizon
Draws near
In an endearing grey embrace
I marvel anew
At the sheer
Beauty and grace
Cool mist
Soothing my soul

Pure black and white
Have never held that space
Its mesmerizing how
Shades of grey
Simply showcase
Your emerald beauty

Oh Seattle
How I adore you for
Teaching me to appreciate
These myriad shades of grey
For bringing me stillness
Helping me to create
Being my witness
Bringing a new me
To myself

- June 29, 2011

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Somebody asked me today... Why is your blog called "One Part Artist"?
These pictures* tell the story...

Stories of
pure delight...

putting up a fight

Stories of

unbridled celebration

Stories of


Stories of 
beating the odds                                     

Without expecting applause

Of following your own dear heart
Of expressing your personal art

Whether you're wordy, even if nerdy
Modernist, impressionist or cubist
I hope you'll share the Story
Of uncovering your OWN

These pictures convey one such story. I've come across several more and hope to cover them in future posts. In fact, they are ALL around us.
Stories that bring us closer to our true 'Self', in a space of joy and love.
Stories of Art!
*These pictures shared with permission from an incredible program by Provail called "Art is NOT an Option" where 'artists' of all abilities get together to enhance their methods of self expression while having loads of fun!
You can support this initiative in many ways - check out

Get involved... one way or another...
And you just might find that "One-Part-Artist" lurking somewhere inside you!

Reflections: Sunshine


कभी घनी रातों से गुज़रते 
कभी अँधेरे तूफानों से जूझते 
अक्सर ये भूल हैं जाते 
कहीं ना कहीं तो धूप खिली है 

कहीं ना कहीं 
कोई यादें हैं छिपी 
कहीं ना कहीं 
हैं कई उम्मीदें भरी 
कहीं ना कहीं 
सपनो का बसेरा है 
कहीं ना कहीं 
ख्वाहिशों का डेरा है 
कहीं ना कहीं 
इक नया सवेरा है 

बारिशें क्यों आती हैं आखिर
घटाएँ क्यों छा जाती हैं

इन सवालों से परे भी 
कई जवाब हैं मुमकिन 
बादलों के ऊपर उठिए तो 
हर ओर मिलती है सूरज की किरण

रात की सुरंग से निकल 
सूरज अपना रास्ता चुन लेता है 
कभी फीकी सी 
तो कभी तेज़ सुनहरी धूप के 
उपहार रोज़ दे जाता है 

चाहे कितना लम्बा हो ये सफ़र 
कितनी ही लम्बी रात हो बाकी 
कितने ही हों उसके पहर 
मिल जाते हैं साहिल कहीं ना कहीं 
खिल जाती है धूपयहाँ भी,
कभी ना कभी 
Enroute – Seattle-San Jose, 
December 25, 2011


 Traveling through a dense, dark night
Navigating tumultuous storms
So easy to forget
Somewhere, sunshine transforms

Somewhere exist
Memories tucked away
Somewhere blossom
New hopes, making  their way
New dreams do thrive
New wishes can survive
A new dawn is alive

Why do the rains pour down?
What makes the clouds dark?

Moving beyond questions
Reveals beautiful possibility 
Soaring high above the curtains
Shines the light in all its beauty

Emerging from the dark tunnel
The sun picks his path
Some days, bringing such a personal
Present of languid warmth
And on others, scorching heat that shrivels

No matter how tiring the journey
Or how long the dark night
The tranquil shore embraces the sea
The lover and beloved do unite
Opening the eyes helps to see
A glorious burst of sunlight

Translated, April 2012